I’m Not Dead, I Promise!

So…it’s been a while. To the point where this is kinda awkward. But hey, might as well start somewhere!

Here’s what I’ve been up to over the past few months.

1. I moved out of my parents’ house.


And so far, it’s been fantastic. I love my independence, I love my roommates, and I really love my dramatically shortened commute. Only downside is the need to fully adult—regularly pay bills, go grocery shopping, and cook if I actually want to eat something other than spaghetti and microwave dinners. Oh, and having a dog. I miss that, too.

2. A bad relationship finally ended.

Shortly after moving out, my now-ex and I broke up. It was a long time coming, and it was a very good decision. That’s all I’ll say about that.

3. I turned 24.

Just one more year until my golden birthday…and one more year before I’m a quarter of the way to 100. *Gasp!*

4. I went to Thailand.


Definitely one of the biggest highlights of the past few months! As a reward for being a good employee at my company, I was granted a trip to Thailand to see some of our partners on the other side of the world. Though it was extremely hot and humid (we were all regularly drenched in sweat), it was an incredible experience. From Buddhist temples in Bangkok to the beaches of Phuket, Thailand is a really cool country to visit!

5. Kittens!

One day when I was doing cool-down stretches from a workout, I looked up to see a black cat staring at me through the basement window. It was really creepy.

But my negative vibes soon turned to delight when that same cat gave birth to some adorable kittens. Once they were old enough, we rounded them up and worked to socialize them (well…three of them, at least. One of the kittens managed to escape). They’re adorable, doing well, and are just about ready to be adopted out!


Annnndddd…that’s pretty much been my life since I last posted! Hopefully I’ll be able to get back into the habit of writing here regularly.

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